
the morning after

Thank you to the one who broke through. Thank you to the one who touched when she could have said, "I'll wait till Friday." A wound oozes when it's hurting, gushes before healing. I gushed.
Silly selfishness and pride get in my way sometimes -- okay, a lot of times -- okay, almost all the time -- and it's a wretched thing to get rid of them. It's like pulling teeth, although, I'll admit, I haven't pulled a lot of teeth in my life. My experience with teeth has been to let them wobble and wiggle until they pretty much fall out of their own accord.
Sometimes I leave selfishness and pride in until they fall out, not of their own accord (for some reason, they're perfectly content to stay), but of God's urging. And I fall to pieces until they're gone. Then I realize I'm really the better for their absence.
So, anyway, thank you for leading me through the tough stuff. Thanks for holding my hand, and then checking up on me when I got to the other side.

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