


So, do you think I'm in the middle of too many books right now? (See right panel.) They're all interesting, which is why I can't give up on them altogether. You know. That would just be wrong.

Reader survey: What books are you reading right now?


Anonymous said...

No, no, no. You can't be in the middle of too many books. I understand how difficult it is to limit yourself when you're interested in so many right now. :) And think, when you're done with them, how much good stuff you'll have read. I for one am impressed with your list.

Anonymous said...

Books I am reading right now:

God's Politics, by Jim Wallis (I read this while I walk)
Peyton Place, by Grace Metalious (a scandalous book!)
Luke, in the NT

M said...

I have started and put down too many books lately to count. It seems the only ones I avidly read are fiction. Sigh. Read Bill Bright and Ted Dekker's Blessed Child series. Wonderful fiction, amazingly thought provoking.

Books I'm reading (or am intending to read...meaning I have started or read a few pages but am not doing very well finishing. I will, though! I will! At least I hope)

Three Ted Dekker
An Idiot's Guide to Singing
The Five Love Languages Chapman
For Women Only (Shaunti something)
For Men Only (Not a man...but enlightening nevertheless)
The Diary of Anne Frank
The Bible--I Samuel

Books I'd like to add very soon:
Farewell to Arms Ernest Hemingway
Fellowship of the Ring Tolkien
At the Back of the North Wind George MacDonald

Anonymous said...

The luxury of reading! How could I make time to read 37 books in one year?
It makes me cry!

c.l.beyer said...

Well, anonymous, here's my opinion:

First, I think you have to shoot for higher than 37. I shot for 52 in 2006 (one book a week) and ended up missing the mark by a long shot. But at least I read more than I had the year before.

And then, reading has to be a priority. Making reading a priority might just be wishful thinking for me this year, now that there's a newborn in the house, but so far, my baby's naptimes are often reading times for me. Sometimes, too, I have to remind myself that I have to sacrifice a mind-numbing movie (or cleaning!) and do something intellectually active -- like reading a book -- instead.