
baptize me

Forgive me, Lord, for thinking I'm a good Christian. Forgive me, Lord, for standing myself up against the world and hoping others will see my nice house, nice hospitality. Nice. Yeah, nice tea that I can't take criticism against. Hospitality, my foot.

And I said the same to You, Lord; I said I was really something. "Oh, I know I'm such a failure," I said, "but not as bad as..." Forgive me for that, Lord.

You let me pray, Father. You listened, and I sniffled. And I felt You work. I felt the belief settling in. But I didn't learn... not until... I listened.

And I saw me.
And I saw You.
And I saw You filling in my gaps.
And then, I saw... there was so much You.
And then I realized... that I was nothing.
That it was all You.
There were no gaps to fill in because there was nothing of me to start with.
Only You.

Grace -- not on top of my efforts, but in spite of them.

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