
my sweet drugs

(Disclaimer: I'm feeling a little rusty in the writing arena, so please pardon my cliches and badly flowing prose.  It feels like I have something to write about.)

As of Tuesday night, the cable internet at our new house was turned back on, and I indulged in Internet Explorer after being sober for so long.  Of course, I got my fixes of connectedness in the past week and a half... like when we stole our new neighbors' wireless signals, and when our dear Peruvian friends lent me their web-connected computer along with the rest of their house.

I was a basket case two weeks ago.  We had three days to be out of our house, and we had nowhere to move.  The new rental kept being "not quite ready," and despite my optimism in the workers who were supposed to be getting it done, it just wasn't happening.  My other sweet drugs of comfort and having a home to ourselves were going to run out at the end of the weekend.

We stayed the week with our Peruvian friends.  I had been wanting to get to know them more, but if I could have had my way, God should have made that happen in a convenient time, when we weren't living out of suitcases.

I think I realized that God had better ideas than I when I was sitting down with Mili at her kitchen table in the middle of Friday afternoon.  Our conversation drifted beyond "how was your week?" and "how many siblings do you have?"  She taught me about money and family relationships.  She taught me about being a gracious host to two homeless kids and their baby.  She taught me about praise.

And now we're in our own place again (as God would have it, a much nicer place than what we would have had if the first rental had gotten done on schedule).  We have our privacy and our internet, and I'm telling myself to control my addiction to comfort for so many more reasons than I've ever had.


Luke said...

I'm thinking I missed out on some pretty important news that would've helped this post make more sense (not that it didn't make sense). Care to elaborate?

manhattandoula said...

So beautiful, how you see God's hand in all this. For your comfort, I'm glad you're back in your own place, but I'm glad you had some time to connect in a real way with the body of Christ, too.

Kelli Standish said...

And most amazing of all is what you sent to me in the midst of your own trials.

GOD BLESS you, amazing woman, for your kindness and your sacrifice.

Just a few days ago, I put my walker away in its new home--- in our garage. You had a part in that.

