
why I disagree

So Sunday we had a Bible study around the kitchen table: a mix of family, some so seldom seen. We talked about the Holy Spirit -- His character, His functions, His history. Someone -- I don't remember who -- threw out the comment that what was most important was that we as Christians know what we should be doing; studying God's character is such an immense task that we can never know everything about the Holy Spirit. So it went without saying that learning about Him shouldn't be our focus; doing our job should be.

I nodded; that sounded logical.

But wait. What exactly is our job? And if understanding God is too massive a task, is that saying that understanding and doing our job isn't?

I'm feeling sheepish for agreeing with such an idea. Putting my whole heart into understanding God is central to my relationship with him! To claim otherwise may be one of the most dangerous fallacies in Christian theology.

Let's say that in my marriage, I wanted to serve my husband according to biblical doctrine. I'm told to submit to my husband, and reverence/respect him. Okay -- time to do my duty. I start taking care of the home -- which I heard about in the Bible -- and I submit to the things he tells me to do. Check. Check. Check. But get to know him? Men are complicated -- way too complicated. And as a woman, I can never fully understand how my husband's mind works, so I might as well stop focusing on that and keep doing my job. Forget this relationship stuff. I'll just do what the Bible tells me to do.

It's ludicrous, isn't it? I can't even understand how to do my job as a wife unless I know my husband, unless I try to understand what makes him feel respected and what makes him tick. Relationships, learning about God's character: these things are not the fluffy stuff; they're the foundational stuff.

So, you say, what about "if you love me, you'll keep my commandments"?
I would answer: this does not say, "in order to love me, you'll keep my commandments." It says "if." First comes love; commandment-following is the fruit.

"And this is life eternal, that they might know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent." -Jesus Christ, John17.3, italics mine


Brooke said...


Luke said...

Brooke stole my comment.

AMEN sister. I loved it!!