
there with you

I wish I had all the answers. I wish I could show you that I'm there too. I wish you could know that in all this hurt, there is God -- I AM.

I wish I had all the answers? No... even if I had all the answers, I wouldn't know what to do with them. I wouldn't know what to do with yours or mine. Because it's not about having all the answers. It's about trusting.

How can we believe -- together -- that this is beyond having the answers?
I wish we could just hold on to each other, crying, hurting, until it's all over.
Maybe in spite of the miles, maybe in spite of the fact that we've only seen each other a few times in our whole lives, maybe in spite of the pain, the fear, the confusion, we can each hold on to Jesus's hand.
And then -- then! -- I can be there with you.
Because if we're both grasping the same Person's hand, we're together. Right?

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